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2018-2019    Season

Game: Turning Point      |       Robot: MEOWZERS!


1 motor


Claw Angle


1 motor


1 motor

3 cups


Drive Train

4 motors


Turn Angle

Our Robot weighs 14 lbs and is powered by VEX V5® Brain® Microcontroller.

It can play the game autonomously with 3 programs, or in a driver controlled mode using the V5 Controller.


It has 7 Smart motors which move the wheels, arm, claw, and ball puncher.  All 7 motors have integrated encoders which are used to set rotations for the wheels and degrees for the arm and claw.  We also use 2 potentiometers, one to select our alliance color for the autonomous programs, and another to limit movement of the claw.  And we use a gyroscope for precise turns.

2017-2018    Season

Game: In the Zone      |       Robot: Everything


1 motor

1 potentiometer

Drive Train

4 motors

2 integrated



1 motor


2 motors

1 potentiometer


2 motors

1 touch sensor

1 range finder

3 cups


Our Robot weighs 14.5 lbs and is powered by VEX ARM® Cortex® -based Microcontroller.

It can play the game autonomously, or in a driver controlled mode using Main and Partner Joysticks.


It has 10 motors which move the wheels, arm, claw, scoop and ejector mechanism.  It also has 2 integrated encoder modules for back wheel motors, 3 potentiometers to limit arm and ejector movement, and to select  autonomous program, 1 bumper switch to detect mobile goal, and 1 ultrasonic range finder to locate objects in the field.

Design Notebook


When we design and build the robot, we keep a detailed engineering notebook.  We document different designs we considered for robot sub-systems (drive train, mobile goal intake, arm, claw, etc.) and their advantages and shortcomings.  We also document the logic for our autonomous programs, and the steps robot follows on its' own during 15 min Tournament Autonomous period and 1 min Skills Programming Challenge.  We analyze the results of the competitions, and come up with a strategy for the next one.  Our design notebook is 55 pages long.

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