We won the Build Award!
Robot Features
We added a new Pancake Flipper to our robot. We can now easily, and quickly flip caps on the ground. We used it in both our driver and autonomous modes.
Skills Challenge
We had a problem with hitting flags all day, because they were stiff, and hard to turn. We put stronger rubber bands on our puncher, but then it shot the balls too high, so we put one old and one new on each side of our puncher. We were able to hit the middle flag in Programming Skills but not in Driver Skills. We got 9 points in Driver Skills, and 7 in Programming Skills, and we were placed 5th among Middle and High Schools, and we are the top Middle School team.
In the competition, we won 6 out of 7 matches, and finished in 4th place. We had 12 Win Points, 16 Autonomous Points, and 66 Strength of Schedule Points. We were the captains of the 3rd alliance, and got paired up with Trojan Pride, but lost in the Quarterfinals. Our robot was brutally attacked on the Bonus Platform, from both sides, and we lost our grip and fell off.