Skills Challenge Results
Tournament Results
We won Excellence Award at NC "Last Chance" Qualifier!
Robot Features
Before this competition, we changed many things to improve our performance. We changed the speed for our robot autonomous so our robot would be able to complete the autonomous in 15 seconds. We rewired the robot because Ports 1 and 10 are respond faster than the other ports, but we needed all 4 wheels to have the same response. We also added an ejector mechanism inside the scoop to push the mobile goals off the scoop into the 20 point zone. And we added two integrated encoders so that our code is based on rotations instead of time to make it more exact.
Skills Challenge
In autonomous we scored 20 points, and in driver controlled we scored 55 points. We became the highest ranking Middle School team, and the 2nd overall.
In the tournament, we got 4 wins and 3 losses. That gave us 8 win points, 30 autonomous points and 309 strength of schedule points.
We were the captain of the 6th alliance with Llamalicious and Hypothetical Speakers. We won the Quarter Finals, but lost in the Semi-finals to the Champion Alliance.